Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Potato Bag

This is a simple bag that creates a "just right" potato in your microwave. I am making them to give as Christmas present. I have to start early. They were a big hit last Christmas. I had friend came over tonight and I showed her how to make them. They are very simple to make.


Kim W said...

Since I'm not from Idaho, I'm not quite getting the concept. It's just a cloth bag, right? Do you have to do anything to the potato to cook it in there? How cool! I've never heard of cooking a potato in a bag before.

Kim W said...

Hey, I got your message tonight. Sorry I was at a PTA meeting. Loooove the PTA. Wait, did that sound sarcastic??? Hmmm... I'm working on that. Ha! Check out my profile on my blog. My email address is on there. Write me and then I can reply with my address.