Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Neck Animals

Tanya wanted me to make her children neck animal pillows. She thought it would be an easy thing to do. It was a pain in the behind. There are a lot of pieces and it took a lot of time. But, I finally got them done. This past week end Jim and I went down to Utah and I gave them to the children. They loved them.

This is Violet with her lion pillow.

This is Dakota with her cat pillow.

This is Porter with his monkey pillow.

This is Reese with is dog pillow. This is the first one I did. His head got on backwards and I had to take it off and put it on right.


Kim W said...

Those are stinkin' cute. How fun that they each get something unique for themselves.

Delora said...

Mom you did a great job. I won't ask you to do that for me. They looked so cute.

Jamie said...

These turned out so cute. I just showed them to Daniel too, he said that it looks like these would be hard to make. He was noticing all of the details and the different angles.