Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. May all your goals and dreams come true this year. At our house we are so blessed each day. After you go though what Jim has this past year and half, you rethink everything. We are grateful that he is going good and there is no sign of the cancer. I am thankful for my 7 wonderful children and their families.


Delora said...

Thanks for the New Years Wishes! I hope we have a great year. I am glad dad is doing well.

Delora said...

Mom, I did the unthinkable. I joined Facebook. Some of Layne's friends asked him to join so he did. I thought if he did, so can I. I don't beleive how easy it was. I already have 15 friends. You would be amazed at how easy it can be once you practice for an hour. I am going to add you. You have to accept. We will do facebook and our blog. Come on it will be fun. You can catch up with lots of people from Santa Maria. Try! Talk to ya later.

Jamie said...

I hope that everyone will have a happy and healthy 2009! I am so grateful to have married into such a special family. I love you all!

Jamie said...

Oh, I almost forgot....I just set up a blog. It's