Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Season Tickets

I have a very good friend who gave me Season Tickets to the Howell Opera house in Oakley. The Howell Opera house does four live plays a year. We are going to see "Oliver", "Paint Your Wagon", "1940 Radio Hour" and a "Christmas Concert". I have always wanted to go and see a play, but never had anyone to go with. Katheryn gave tickets to 2 other friends and one for her. So, there will be four of us going. I can't wait to go and have a good time.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Neck Animals

Tanya wanted me to make her children neck animal pillows. She thought it would be an easy thing to do. It was a pain in the behind. There are a lot of pieces and it took a lot of time. But, I finally got them done. This past week end Jim and I went down to Utah and I gave them to the children. They loved them.

This is Violet with her lion pillow.

This is Dakota with her cat pillow.

This is Porter with his monkey pillow.

This is Reese with is dog pillow. This is the first one I did. His head got on backwards and I had to take it off and put it on right.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Background

I found this picture of tractors. Jim like tractors. He has some that his Dad brought new in about 1940. He has older ones also.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


This afternoon I took my Mother and we went to the movies. We saw Australia. It was long and good. I would recommend it to everyone. I would change my background but the site is down.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Children ski's

One of my cleaning customer had two small pairs of kids skis and three pair of boots. I am trading her three cleaning for them. I had a problem with only having two pairs of skis. I have 4 grand kids who like to ski. So, I have been on KSL classified advertisement looking for used skis. Tonight I found a place in Sandy that had kids skis, so I sent Tanya and Randy up to get two more pairs. Now there is enough for Porter, Madalyn, Reese and Rachael to ski. Now Tanya will have to take them.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Reese Edmund Bishop's Day

Resse before his baptism all dressed in white. Madalyn gave a very good talk on baptism. Tanya gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. Resse's Grandmothers gave the prayers and the Grandfathers were the witnesses. Reese was baptised and confirmed by his father.

Rachael and Reese after the Baptism. Racheal played a piano solo at the baptism. She was so proud to do it.

This is Dakota.

This Reese's little sister Violet.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. May all your goals and dreams come true this year. At our house we are so blessed each day. After you go though what Jim has this past year and half, you rethink everything. We are grateful that he is going good and there is no sign of the cancer. I am thankful for my 7 wonderful children and their families.